Why choose MWA
We are a unique team of wealth creation, asset protection, tax and business specialists, the likes of which you probably have never come across before.
While our team is small we punch above our weight in terms of the value.
You see...amongst our team are accountants, financial planners, business owners, serial entrepreneurs, business specialists and property experts and educators.
And we work closely with a faculty of specialists who are all experts in their own fields.
There is no other similar firm we know of that combines all these disciplines and also understands the importance of your personal life and goals because, after all, the reason for creating wealth is to give you more choices life, isn't it?
Why not click here and organise a time to come over and we'll introduce you to the team
Choosing a wealth advisory firm, or a financial planner, is an important decision.
We have all read about those financial planning companies who don't have their client’s best interests first, so we realise that you need to feel confident about the advice you are receiving and how it will secure your financial future.
Expertise, integrity and discipline
We are privately owned company that operates on a fee-for-service model and don't accept commissions.
We realise how important it is to chose a, advisor who is non-focused to a specific service or product provider and protects their clients by not having a conflict of interest. We have no links to the banks or any institutions and have no financial products to sell.
Because we are not obliged to sell specific products our team is able to give you access to a full suite of investment opportunities, including property (which most financial planning firms aren't able to advise on.) That way you can be assured that the advice and recommendations you receive are most appropriate for your individual circumstances.
We deliver results
We have a proven track record of helping clients grossly wealth, protect their assets through correct structuring and pass on their wealth through astute estate planning.
Why not click here to find out how we can help you.